Aaron Lindberg Photography Logo Critique 30

Aaron Lindberg Photography Logo Critique
Aaron submitted this logo for his work as a photographer. He included the following commentary with his submission,
I decided to revamp my logo and wanted to get some feedback from the new look. I plan on using the logo with and without the url at the bottom of the page.
The following critique is based on one designers opinion and experience. I always appreciate the readers thoughts as well. So, Ill ask a question or two in the critique, please share your perspective in the comments at the end of this logo design critique.
Design Principals
I dont know what the old logo looked like, but I think the new one has depth and perspective. It appears lively and dynamic. Are these traits the same traits you would use to describe yourself or your work as a photographer? If not, how do you see yourself and how do you want your clients to see you and your work? You may want to consider representing come of those traits in your logo.
The logo doesnt say anything about you being a photographer, not even in your URL. Being that youre using a monogram for your logo, it may be important to give some sort of visual cue as to what you do. Also the stroke thickness of the monogram inconsistent and doesnt support the spacial perspective that you seem to be trying to create (specifically the bottom of the L). The choice to use all caps in conjunction with the typeface selection for your URL at the bottom of the logo make it hard to read, in my opinion.
Functionality / Versatility
The monogram style of the logo makes it versatile especially when the shadow is removed as I saw in one of your blog posts. However, using the monogram on its own could cause some recognition problems when not supported with text.
Does the Logo Work for the Audience?
You didnt offer any information as to who you audience is or what type of clients you have/want. From what I could see on your website it looks like you do mainly lifestyle and fashion photography. I dont think your logo is right for that audience, especially when considering fashion or high fashion. The logo appears dated already, and out of style. I get a little Star Trek feel from it. Often photographers use a camera or related equipment as icons in their logos. Im not saying you have to do that, but I will say, it could help to clarify what you do right off the bat. This could make your logo more identifiable and therefore memorable.
Question for the readers
please respond in the comments below
Do you feel its important for Aarons logo to, in some way, represent the kind of work he does or wants to do?
The idea of a monogram could still work for your audience, but maybe a more luxurious typeface and perhaps a different monogram layout. Look at some of the well known and classic fashion brands out there. Use them for inspiration. Take note of the typefaces they use and what impression you get from them. Check out fashion brands like Louis Vutton, Hermes, Armani, etc if fashion is your main audience. Another direction to explore might be a more trendy look since fashion is all about trends. A handwritten or modern sans serif typeface may be good choice for a more trendy look.
Question for the readers
please respond in the comments below
What would you recommend? How could the logo do a better job at fitting the kind of work Aaron does? (Aarons work)
Possible Improvements
Designing a logo for yourself or own business is one of the hardest logo designs youll ever work on. So what is the best way to improve the logo? Well I think have made some comments above that can certainly offer some direction. Heres a list of actionable items.
- Contemplate taking a step back and honestly assessing yourself and your business. If you haven't already, take some time to fill out a creative brief for your logo. This will help you to get your thoughts down on paper. From there you can take another look at your logo and see if it meets the key points you wrote down in the creative brief.
- If you decide to keep the logo as is, at least consider a more legible typeface for the URL.
- As another point of inspiration, check out this recent logo design process article by Jacob Cass for Butterfield Photography.
Overall, I think you have a good start on the logo design. And with some refinement you can definitely improve it. Please know that my intention in critiquing your work is not to hurt feelings, but to offer constructive feedback. I hope it was helpful. Best of luck, to you!
I appreciate and welcome your comments, and look forward to hearing from you soon. I purposely dont cover every possible improvement that can be made to this logo, so go for it if you think I missed anything. All I ask is that you keep your comments clean and appropriate.
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The images & logos presented on this blog are copyrighted by their respective owners. The blog itself is copyright Erik Peterson, 2008-2025 All Rights Reserved.
We enjoy your comments
30 Comments so far. Keep 'em Coming.
By Jim
05.05.2009 at 11:09 AM
Any business card I get from a Photographer that has a camera as part of the logo would go straight to the trash. How incredibly mundane and expected. This is the same as a dentist with a toothbrush (or a tooth) as part of the logo - it’s just painfully overdone. It would really have to be stylized in some way that wasn’t so “clip-arty.”
I agree about the typeface and the “StarTrek” appearance. I’m not sure this is the best concept for a photographer - especially one in fashion.
The photographer should “trade” some photography work with a local designer to get a really nice identity package put together.
By Randy
05.05.2009 at 03:32 PM
I am currently working on a logo for a photographer who has made it clear he wants some sort of aperture. I realize how clich this sounds but with the right talent, and a ton of market research, some great fresh ideas can come out of this. I do however like the idea of a monogram. Perhaps a monogram with the word photography somewhere to accompany it.
By Mike Erickson
05.05.2009 at 11:06 PM
When I first look at this monogram, I instantly relate to Hockey. The Right side L looks like a Hockey stick.
By Michelle Kinney
05.05.2009 at 11:20 PM
The spot under the logo where the website resides would be a great spot for the word Photographer or something similar. While the idea of a camera or whatnot is overdone, its important to have some cue in case the logo is seen out of context by a possible client (i.e. on letterhead or an invoice as opposed to at the head of a portfolio). If someone can’t tell what it is you do, you’ve lost any chance that they’ll inquire about your services.
The design feels futuristic while the words I’d use to describe Aaron’s work would be more along the lines of edgy and urban. However, its still a great monogram and feels professional.
By Aaron Lindberg
05.06.2009 at 07:20 PM
Thanks everyone for the feedback on my logo. I will reassess it and see what comes out of it. Thanks for looking over this.
By Gary H
05.08.2009 at 12:41 PM
This logo is not strong, it sends the wrong message. It does look futuristic and forced.
Do a quick logo search via Google Images and you’ll see a plethora of overused clich camera logos. I feel that every photographer has their own unique style. A good way to project this is to use your handwriting, provided you have decent writing.
By Tim Schmidt
05.11.2009 at 11:04 PM
But the looks of your site, I would not even use a symbol or icon. Just use an elegant font.
You’re NOT a motorcycle or a golf ball. You’re a person.
If your business name was not your personal name…icons are ok:
Hope this helps!
By Allen
01.22.2020 at 02:30 AM
The choice to use all caps in conjunction with the typeface selection for your URL at the bottom of the logo make it hard to read, in my opinion.
By osama shk
04.12.2020 at 04:10 PM
I really enjoyed reading this post, big fan. Keep up the good work and please tell me when can you publish more articles or where can I read more on the subject?
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By Carrie
04.21.2020 at 11:06 PM
Interesting logo from a fencer in Ogden
By MateoJ
11.13.2020 at 02:21 PM
Every time something new and to the point! Thanks for the blog .
By Jeff Stevens
04.12.2021 at 07:39 AM
It looks so simple yet elegant! Just like how Folsom Tree Services would love their own logo to look like.
By Paul Richard
04.13.2021 at 08:43 AM
This looks great, I enjoyed reading the thread while waiting for the fence installation to be done.
By Alfred Sempten
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By Donna Fisher
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By Arjun Clark
06.22.2022 at 12:59 PM
In my opinion, there is no one metaphor for the brilliant work done in here by the photographer, there just isn’t. Also then, there isn’t only one source to get sites that write essays for you either. I would always advise people to keep their options as open as possible.
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By Saturn
05.24.2023 at 05:52 AM
Your logo doesn’t seem appropriate for that demographic, especially when it comes to high fashion or fashion in general. The logo already seems antiquated and out of date. See: www.saturnphotography.com/maternity-photographers-austin
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By jesse99
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By Roy
08.20.2023 at 04:27 PM
Great post, interesting points raised. Thanks for sharing.
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