10 Mistakes Logo Designers Can Make When Designing Logos 151
There are many mistakes we can make when designing logos for our clients or even ourselves. I have compiled a list of 10 common mistakes Ive seen in mine and others work. This list is merely my view of a Top Ten. Please feel free to add to list or submit your own list via the comments.
- Beginning the design process without an explicit objective
- Designing in a vacuum
- Not being able to answer the question Why?
- Going to the computer too early in the design process
- Not listening to feedback from someone because of who they are
- Not choosing the right typography
- Not considering the applications the logo will need to be used in.
- Using computer/application tricks
- Showing too many options to the client
- Presenting a design you dont want the client to choose
Take the time upfront to meet with your client. Ask them questions about their business, who are the major competitors, what are the goals of this company, who is their audience, etc. Filling out a creative brief with your client is a good habit to get into for starting new projects.
Not knowing what your clients competition is doing can be detrimental. Take the time to talk with your client about the competition, then do some further research on your own. It will help you to arrive a stronger solution in the end.
Not having a solid strategy or rationale behind your design that ties in with the clients business objectives can make it hard to defend and sell the logo to your client. Personal tastes are easily introduced when all the designer has to say is, This logo is cool. If you cant answer why, its also highly likely, you as the designer havent adequately considered your clients needs and business strategy.
Start your concepts with paper and pencil. Going to the computer to early can limit your creativity. It is much easier to work loose and quickly on paper.
All feedback is valuable. Swallow your ego, and listen, you never know what insight you might find.
Choosing a typeface is an important part of the logo design process. Helvetica and Times are not the only options and in most cases are not the appropriate option either. Take the time to find the right one and then refine and tweak it as necessary.
Its easy to create a detailed logo that doesnt reproduce well in all applications. Understand your clients needs and limitations when design the logo.
The computer is a great tool, but it will not make your bad logo good. Adding effects, like bevels or shadows, etc., to dress up a bad logo will not make it better.
Narrow down your concepts for the first client review to about 3-5 concepts, which is adequate in most cases. Use your skills as a designer to pick the most appropriate designs. By doing this you eliminate the crap and will also streamline the whole process.
If you have a design you dont want the client to choose, JUST DONT SHOW IT. All too many times the client chooses the one we dont want them to. Why give them the option?
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The images & logos presented on this blog are copyrighted by their respective owners. The blog itself is copyright Erik Peterson, 2008-2025 All Rights Reserved.
We enjoy your comments
151 Comments so far. Keep 'em Coming.
By Phil
03.19.2009 at 04:37 PM
Great tips. Quick edit on #9, should read: “Showing too many options…”
By Matt Fouty
03.19.2009 at 04:48 PM
Great list by a designer for designers. Even though we’ve heard this all before, we need to be reminded occasionally. At least I know I do!
By Erik Peterson
03.19.2009 at 05:30 PM
@phil thanks for the comment & correction. You are the second person to point it out… I’m sure others noticed also. It has been corrected.
By Ryan Colgin
03.20.2009 at 05:48 AM
#10 is huge! Glad that was noted.
Also, when presenting logos, we show black and white versions first so color has no effect on what concept is chosen. Then we go back and present color options for the favored logo.
By Franziska
03.20.2009 at 08:17 AM
@Ryan Colgin
I think this is a very good one. When I designed my first logos I presented the first versions in colour, too (although I had designed them in b/w), but it’s probably just an avocation for the client!
Good list!
My addition would be: take your time. Don’t rush it; especially when you’ve chosen the final ones to present - sleep over it before sending them. Sometimes the light of another day is more clear!
By Longbrook
03.20.2009 at 12:51 PM
great list! i’ve just completed a logo project for a client, and used a lot of these points to help avoid frustration, for both the client and myself.
By Ahmed elmasry
03.20.2009 at 01:36 PM
very useful article Eric, thank you
By serj
04.13.2009 at 04:58 PM
grate tips, hope to see more info like this coming up in your site
By Ivy Clark
04.21.2009 at 02:45 AM
Nice list. One I’ve learnt the hard way - Don’t show too many options even at the black/white stage as it will only confuse the clients. Pick only 2 or 3 of your top choices.
By TIm Wright
04.21.2009 at 04:30 PM
Good list. I always struggle with choosing the right font
By Kumail.H.T
04.21.2009 at 04:40 PM
The best tip was 10! I have regretted doing that and will never do it again.
By Rey Palacios
04.21.2009 at 06:49 PM
Yes, thanks for the list as someone who is looking to get a logo created I believe the information will help me sort out how best to support the creativity of the designer. Thanks
04.21.2009 at 07:41 PM
Showing some examples would have made this more worth while.
By Casualblogger
04.21.2009 at 11:57 PM
I totally agree! I was kicking myself for committing #9 and #10 in the past. Never again!!
By Kim
04.22.2009 at 12:48 AM
Loved your list. You are right. Research and narrowing options before you begin the design process are critical. I’m a big proponent of understanding colors and their messages also.
By Eva
04.23.2009 at 12:29 PM
Great list - the one that made me smile is, dont show concepts your not happy with, the client will ALWAYS pick this one!.... its like they know! Also presenting in BW first is a great idea, people notice colour before they notice shape and form, and their judgment will become clouded by there colour likes/dislikes.
By Claudiu Ludosan, Master of The Luggage
04.30.2009 at 06:06 AM
True! I especially like number 5 and 10! You never know from where your inspiration or your “logo’s salvation” will come from. Don’t show concepts you’re not happy about because they will always, always pick that one: MORE THAN TRUE!!
By majorca
05.01.2009 at 03:31 PM
I never know “why” - ever…
anyway, great list of tips
By Jonny
05.04.2009 at 07:02 PM
So I could use a few tips from those of you who have had experience regarding these! I’ve tried to show the logo design in b’n'w, but they disregard it because they are concerned that their color choices aren’t in the logo!
Also how do you prevent a client from asking you to design a dull, ineffective logo? (ie. they turned down the good ones and specified for one that I and other disliked.)
By Erik
05.05.2009 at 04:03 PM
@jonny On the B&W issue, have you set the expectations up front? Consider reviewing your process with the client before starting the project so they know what to expect. Tell them why it is important to look at the the logo in B&W and so on.
You shouldn’t be showing dull & ineffective logos to your client. Then they won’t choose them.
By Fabian
05.24.2009 at 12:59 AM
Great article mate,
As designers we know that a logo should work in B&W firstly.
Clients, they don’t give a rat’s ass…if it don’t look pretty and shiny..take it back lol
Moral of the story,always show a colored version as well.
By Lawrence Dionisio
05.29.2009 at 02:16 PM
great article. really helps alot of young blood designers. thanks for sharing!
By Lara
06.14.2009 at 07:02 AM
gr8 article!! I actually was trying to kid myself with something I did wrong which you mentioned in #8, thxxx for setting our conception of it straight. I know i wont do that step anymore!
By Daniel Hunninghake
06.25.2009 at 01:50 PM
Fantastic points. I feel like another killer is not being confident in your work and defending it if a client doesn’t quite understand it. Of course, a fine line between defending and arguing, but it’s like #3, know why you designed it that way. Thanks so much for the article,
By koko
11.17.2009 at 03:52 AM
Thanks for sharing~very good
By Tonic Micheal
12.21.2009 at 10:11 PM
great trick and logical method we will share this resources with our designer thank you
By Graphic Design Blog
12.22.2009 at 10:18 AM
Just a week back even I posted a similar topic
“12 Silly Logo Designing Mistakes”
My followers on digg and twitter loved the post, so I am sure you all will agree to the list too
By Roy Barber
01.14.2010 at 04:23 PM
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By Roy Barber
01.14.2010 at 04:30 PM
I always copy content from blogs and I don’t think it is a bad thing. Look at my site for example - just a mash-up of other people’s work but looks cool altogether.
By Marc Posch
05.13.2010 at 03:43 AM
Great tips. Also, presenting the favorite logo in various sizes on one chart makes it more approachable for a client. Repetition does magic
By Ted Thompson
05.17.2010 at 09:24 AM
Great article, very helpful, thanks for sharing.
By peninggi badan
06.22.2010 at 06:37 AM
Ive seen in mine and others work. This list is merely my view of a Top Ten. Please feel free to add to list or submit your own list via the comments.
By Manik
10.11.2010 at 10:34 AM
Great article and very useful tips. Thanks for sharing.
By blogger
12.15.2010 at 08:22 AM
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By Tonic Micheal
12.16.2010 at 09:21 PM
Nice Tips for logo design..great
By Tonic Micheal
12.16.2010 at 09:24 PM
Very Usefull stuff for logo designers
By Marius Wathne
04.22.2011 at 12:54 PM
Nice list, but i don’t totally agree to number 10. Because after all it is about the client to get what he/she wishes for. If you do not think it is a good design or appropriate then I think that you should still show it but explain your thoughts around it and try to make them understand. And if they still want it, let them have it. Because after all they have hired you to do a job to fulfull their needs, not to make something that you think is really cool.
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By Rodrigo
03.17.2013 at 03:09 PM
amateur tips…
By Mehedi
07.26.2014 at 06:59 AM
These are common mistakes every designers makes often. Thanks for sharing this with us.
By Dave
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By hailey
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By Mark Henry
04.13.2021 at 08:17 AM
Thank you for the article. This is helpful when it comes to creating logo for Lake Forest Concrete Pros.
By Zac Rymill
05.26.2021 at 03:51 AM
We’ve engaged someone to design our logo for our concrete service company in Mackay QLD.
#9 was a bit close to home as our designer gave us far too many options and it was difficult to choose. Had to laugh at that one.
Thanks for the great article.
Zac from Pro Concreters Mackay
By Ben Hayward
05.26.2021 at 04:00 AM
I think that sometimes business owners get so caught up in their logo design that they forget about the fact that it doesn’t really matter. Time could be better spent growing their business instead.
Great article nonetheless.
Ben (Tiler) from Tiling Team Toowoomba
By Dean Carmichael
05.27.2021 at 04:40 AM
We’re in the throws of trying to design an upbeat logo for our Toowoomba property maintenance company. So many factors to consider. However, I think simple is often best.
Thanks for posting this article. Most informative.
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By lily lily
02.24.2023 at 02:58 AM
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By James
03.09.2023 at 11:07 PM
Great article! As a local sign maker I don’t have a visual sense, but I appreciate the insights you provided for logo designers. Avoiding these common mistakes can make a big difference in the effectiveness of a logo. Keep up the good work!
By Mohammed
03.09.2023 at 11:13 PM
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