LOGO Design, Vol. 2 Book Review 264

The latest logo design book from TASCHEN, entitled LOGO Design, Vol. 2, just arrived at my office on Tuesday. It is a follow-up to the popular first volume entitled LOGO Design, Vol. 1
. The book contains around 2000 logos and 13 case studies, in 3 languages (English, French and German), on brand identity for companies like Burton, Wrangler and MTV. The featured design firms include Stefan Sagmeister, MetaDesign, Saffron Brand Consultants, BlackbeltMonkey and others. In the foreword Uli Mayer-Johanssen, of MetaDesign, talks about Brands and Identity.
“Brands that communicate an idea, a purpose, and a clear promise together with technical and rational aspects almost always have something in common with the values and attitudes people have” - Uli Mayer-Johanssen
LOGO Design, Vol. 2
Publisher: TASCHEN America LLC (May 1, 2009)
Editor: Julius Wiedemann
Size: 6.6 x 8.9 x 1.25 in.
Page Count: 384 pages
Cover: Softcover + elastic band
I like the size of the book (kinda like a handbook) and it feels good in my hands when browsing through it. The cover is really hefty for a softcover and the pages are thick as well. There is a neat little elastic band (similar to what you would find on a Moleskine) that holds the book closed. LOGO Design, Vol. 2 is well put together and organized in a logical way, though a bit more whitespace surrounding the individual logos would have been nice. The publisher didn’t cut corners in the production of this book, its materials are top-notch.
Case Studies
There are 13 case studies in the book from various design firms, both in-house and outside agencies. While it is nice to read about the thoughts of the designers in regards to the design process, the meaning of elements and so on, I wish there was more shown from the earlier stages of the projects. I often find seeing sketches and notes from those early stages to be insightful and motivating. Nonetheless, the case studies are still thoughtful and worthwhile. I found the interview with Stefan Sagmeister on the custom logo generator for Casa Da Música to be rather interesting.
Here are a couple of photos from the Burton Outwear case study section with Dave Kinsey of Blk/Mrkt.

Logo Collection
The logo section is categorized into 9 different categories with around 2000 logos. The categories are:
- Creative Industry
- Events & Entertainment
- Fashion & Apparel
- Institutions, Government & Regional
- Media
- Music
- Retailers & Food Outlets
- Service & Business
- Miscellaneous
In this section you’ll see logos from many firms you know as well as many you don’t (Pentagram, Stereo, ImagenAB, Landor & Associates, Logoholik, FutureFarmers, Push, Hula+Hula and many more). The work is a truly an international look at logos and identity. Here are few photos from the various categories.

If you’re a designer that works on logos occasionally or quite regularly, this book would be a nice addition to your library. The book sells for about $27 and you can purchase the LOGO Design, Vol. 2 at Amazon.
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The images & logos presented on this blog are copyrighted by their respective owners. The blog itself is copyright Erik Peterson, 2008-2025 All Rights Reserved.
We enjoy your comments
264 Comments so far. Keep 'em Coming.
By Jacob Cass
06.11.2009 at 11:54 AM
A very thorough review, thanks for putting it together! I will have to check Borders in a few months to have a look through it (one of the probs living in Aus).
One of my fav books is “Logo” by Michael Evamy, mainly due to the black and white logos - looks like this book features some pure black logos too? What is the split up of colour to black logos?
By Erik Peterson
06.11.2009 at 12:05 PM
@Jacob, It’s hard to say exactly as to how many of the logos are shown in black only since they are kind of scattered throughout, but if I were to take a guess I’d say somewhere around 25-30% are shown in b/w only.
Graham of imjustcreative also recommended “Logohttp://www.assoc-amazon.com/e/ir?t=logocrit-20&l=as2&o=1&a=185669528X” by Michael Evamy to me. I’ve actually just ordered it from Amazon this morning…
By Jacob Cass
06.11.2009 at 12:15 PM
Thanks for your quick response.
Awesome re your “Logo” purchase, you will enjoy it. I actually did a short review of “Logo” myself if your interested (though you will read it soon enough).
A bit off topic, you know your spam checker, what plugin is that? Does it work? I use Akismenet atm and get about 30 spam comments a day in my spam box. Maybe something like that is what I need. Thanks.
By Graham Smith
06.11.2009 at 03:25 PM
As Jacob points out, my best logo book for reference and inspiration is ‘Logo’, simple a tremendous book and well presented. Bit tattered now as it goes everywhere with me. Here’s hoping to a volume 2 soon.
As for this book, already ordered and awaiting it’s delivery. Thanks for the head’s up.
By Free Design Logo
06.17.2009 at 12:21 AM
I don’t have a logo design book for reference and inspiration. Are these books available in the Philippines? thanks
By Erik Peterson
06.17.2009 at 10:11 AM
@freelogodesign Perhaps you could contact the publisher to find out where & if they are distributing in the Philippines. Here is the link to their contact page.
By Tell A Friend
06.20.2009 at 09:58 PM
This would suite for my collection. Atleast having a good review for this book is worthy of buying it.
By Tom Sinclair
06.24.2009 at 12:55 PM
Great news, didn’t realise a volume 2 was in the making!
Are all the logos in it different to the first volume? Wouldn’t want to buy it if half of them are the same!
By Baglama buyusu
06.28.2009 at 09:59 PM
This article article thanks for sharing with us.
By medyum
07.05.2009 at 08:31 AM
I don’t have a logo design book for reference and inspiration. Are these books available in the Philippines? thanks… Medyum, Medyumlar
07.06.2009 at 05:24 AM
This article article thanks for sharing with us.
As for this book, already ordered and awaiting it’s delivery. Thanks for the head’s up.
By Erik Peterson
07.06.2009 at 09:40 AM
@medyum please see comment number 6.
By aupair
07.11.2009 at 04:09 PM
I completely agree with the above comment, the internet is with a doubt growing into the most important medium of communication across the globe and its due to sites like this that ideas are spreading so quickly.
By Siki�
08.03.2009 at 05:58 PM
This would suite for my collection.
By medyum
08.10.2009 at 11:37 AM
I don’t have a logo design book for reference and inspiration. Are these books available in the Philippines? thanks
By Acai
08.11.2009 at 01:48 PM
Looks like a pretty useful logo resource book. All that content for 27 bucks seems like a good deal! I may have to check it out.
By The Logo Monkey
08.11.2009 at 05:23 PM
Bookmarked! Thanks!
By Search engine Optimization company in India
08.12.2009 at 03:24 AM
An excellent book and should be of great help to many including me…..
By Resveratrol
08.23.2009 at 08:12 AM
One of my fav books is “Logo” by Michael Evamy, mainly due to the black and white logos - looks like this book features some pure black logos too? What is the split up of colour to black logos?
By new books releases
08.27.2009 at 05:20 PM
thanks for the heads up .. I’ve just ordered the book after reading your post
seems like the perfect book .. will give you my opinion on the once I read it .. hehe
By Ask
08.29.2009 at 08:52 AM
Great article
By Joel McKey
09.11.2009 at 08:27 PM
This should help with anyone that needs to create an Anime as well!
By Superfruit TV
09.11.2009 at 09:39 PM
Man I love logo designs. The complex process that we designers must go through in order to come up with something that is simple, yet gets the entire message across visually.
By efusion
09.13.2009 at 06:34 PM
I’ve been looking for a book like this that has in-depth logo design information. I’ll have to pick it up.
By Jeff O'Day
09.15.2009 at 09:21 AM
I think the best way to do a logo is learn from a great book like this. There are so many ideas all in on place it is great to be the Learner instead of hiring someone to do it.
By Acer Laptops
09.18.2009 at 01:01 PM
LOGO design volume 1 is really awesome.
By life cover
09.20.2009 at 04:19 AM
I was searching for something helpful on logo design. Now it seems to me that finding this book will greatly satisfy my thirst for logo design.
By Acai Berry Blast
09.22.2009 at 11:09 AM
That looks like an excellent book. I went through a lot of research before I chose my logo, and I still feel I would have liked something more effective.
By digital radio scanners
10.21.2009 at 02:59 AM
My sister is starting a graphic design course and I have been wanting to get her a nice logo design book, mainly to inspire her.
the problem was that after doing some research I quickly discovered that there are way too many- I thought maybe logo lounge or something like that. Since I am not in the industry I don’t know what is a good logo book- this one sounds great thanks for your efforts
heading over to amazon immediately
By electronic cigarette
10.25.2009 at 08:56 PM
Thanks for this post I love that logo.
By Colin
10.26.2009 at 06:28 AM
There are so many ideas all in on place it is great to be the Learner instead of hiring someone to do it.
By medyum
10.30.2009 at 12:19 AM
Thank you!
By Second Chance Checking
11.04.2009 at 02:17 AM
That is really cool, never knew how involved logos were
By medyum
11.04.2009 at 07:41 AM
Thank you very much for everything
By Singapore Shops
11.13.2009 at 06:00 PM
Nice post I Like your site very well and continue to do so. I have bookmarked your site.
By Denny
11.18.2009 at 10:11 PM
need this book. how can buy e-book. can I buy this book. to far from here.
By Dizajn
12.28.2009 at 05:30 PM
Wea prefers more Logolounge books.
By araç sorgulama
12.29.2009 at 12:05 PM
My sister is starting a graphic design course and I have been wanting to get her a nice logo design book, mainly to inspire her.
the problem was that after doing some research I quickly discovered that there are way too many- I thought maybe logo lounge or something like that. Since I am not in the industry I don’t know what is a good logo book- this one sounds great thanks for your efforts
heading over to amazon immediately
By Tina
12.31.2009 at 11:34 AM
Very interesting information and an excellent book and should be of great help to many including me�..
By Attitude Design | Graphic Design Portfolio
02.01.2010 at 03:26 PM
Thanks for this useful review - looks like a great book.
By Portland OR Website Design
02.08.2010 at 12:08 PM
I just wanted to thank you very much for this enlightening article. I have already bookmarked your site, when I have more free time I am going to have to do some further research.
By web design
02.16.2010 at 11:30 AM
Brand is nothing but the initial stage for recalling the value of that brand.
logos are used for brand association.
three pointed star means people will easily call it mercedes.
swoosh means people would easily recall it as a nike.
the ultimate working science is the theory of split brain theory.
our right side brain is creative brain, it is responsible for storing memory, dreams, recalling past events…
and left brain is responsible for mathematical calculation, logical analysis.
lly, metaphor analysis is very much important for brand management.
By alanya emlak
04.06.2010 at 08:04 PM
thank you everythinks..Thank you for all the valuable information
By Resveratrol Healthblog
04.09.2010 at 08:20 PM
Amazing collection.
By Jay
04.22.2010 at 10:30 AM
Lovely blog post.Thanks for the comment box too.
By Wartrol
04.23.2010 at 03:12 PM
I must say this is a very interezting post. I have enjoyed every minute I spent reading it.Thanks.
I will be back.
By Thyromine
04.25.2010 at 01:48 PM
I hardly comment on post but I must say I love coming across your site today.
By Panic Attacks
05.13.2010 at 08:50 PM
It is always hard to have a designer create a logo from scratch. The logo design I have on a site took the designer quite a while to come up with the right logo. If only this book was release earlier, it would have been so much easier and would have save me a lot of time.
By Jany
05.17.2010 at 05:57 AM
The post is very helpful for me as I am going to develop a site and need a logo for that.
By Strafe Creative - Graphic Design
06.01.2010 at 03:35 PM
cheers for this review, will definitely be looking into this book.
By Kraetschmann
06.02.2010 at 10:26 AM
i like the logo design book from TASCHEN this impressed me.
By Square Peg Web
06.30.2010 at 06:04 AM
Well logo design book contain excellent information.But creativity is important one for designing.So books should be explain about creativity.
By Phoenix Graphic Design
07.15.2010 at 12:40 AM
Great review. I use these sort of books all the time to start the creative process. Sometimes it helps to “get inspired”.
By linux vps
08.03.2010 at 05:48 PM
OMG 2000 logos in one book its really a great news , they provide any DVD copies for this designs . or any software to design new one.
By salya
09.10.2010 at 06:59 AM
I always appreciate the readers thoughts as well. So, I�ll ask a question of two in the critique, please share your perspective in the comments at the end of this logo design critique. Design Principles Geri�s logo for 88 Gears Creative has some interesting elements, but could benefit from some further refinement of the design…
Eleven Plus
By 11plus
09.20.2010 at 11:39 AM
I often find seeing sketches and notes from those early stages to be insightful and motivating….11 Plus
11.22.2010 at 07:39 AM
I am happy to find this very useful for me, as it contains lot of information. I always prefer to read the quality content
By gebelik
12.02.2010 at 09:36 AM
Love it.
By provillus
07.24.2011 at 04:14 PM
thanks for the logo design info !
By terry
08.02.2011 at 02:42 PM
Great collection you have here.!
By provillus
10.21.2011 at 03:36 PM
What a great book! I should buy the both volumes. I am interested in logos and these 13 case studies surely worth every page.
By Fotograf
06.27.2012 at 06:35 AM
Where can i buy this book?
04.17.2014 at 03:34 AM
Acknowledge it & will buy it soon.
Thanks for informatin
By 本棚・書棚,キッチン収納,衣類収�
11.24.2014 at 11:31 PM
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By 本棚・書棚,正座椅子,靴箱
12.18.2014 at 03:10 AM
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01.04.2015 at 12:42 AM
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02.02.2015 at 01:48 AM
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02.04.2015 at 01:09 AM
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02.08.2015 at 11:00 PM
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11.14.2015 at 11:00 AM
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11.15.2015 at 01:31 AM
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11.18.2015 at 04:07 AM
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11.19.2015 at 02:35 AM
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